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Depression test. Feeling sad or miserable most of the time? When you're going through a tough time it's normal to feel down for. We all feel sad from time to time. But when this sadness never seems to fade away, it might be a symptom of depression. Knowing how to spot depression can. If feelings of low mood or suicidal thoughts are the reason you first speak to your doctor about your mental health, your GP might offer you treatment for.

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People may say that they are feeling depressed when they are feeling down, but this does not always mean that they have depression. Depression is: a mental. Some signs and symptoms of depression include feeling sad, down or miserable most of the time or losing interest or pleasure in usual activities. When you're sadder than usual, you might say you feel “depressed.” But how do you know when extreme sadness crosses over into clinical depression?

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Watching a friend struggle with their mental health can be painful. Here are some common symptoms of depression and ways to help a loved one who may be. If feelings of low mood or suicidal thoughts are the reason you first speak to your doctor about your mental health, your GP might offer you treatment for. Take a brief quiz to assess your depression symptoms. also indicate whether you might benefit from treatment and help you to decide whether completing a.